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summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding

summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding

summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding

summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding

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2. As somebody working with children, being aware of your workplaces safeguarding policy and practice is essential. the steps that should be taken if an allegation or incident occurs. Whilst local authorities have a mandatory duty to investigate if they are informed a child may be at risk, there are no specific mandatory child abuse reporting laws in the UK that require professionals to report their suspicions to the authorities. Equality legislation is therefore an important tool in preventing or responding to this type of abuse. 2. WebThe following is an outline of current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within the UK Home Nation for Safeguarding Children. Did you know that 1 in 10 children have experienced neglect and 13,000 children live in households with high-risk domestic abuse. Bac Nex D1 Explain what is meant by'safeguarding'. Ofsted requires that: All childminders and group day care staff have knowledge of child protection, including the signs and symptoms of abuse and what to do if abuse or neglect is suspected; Those who are entrusted with the day care of children or who child mind have the personal capacity and skills to ensure children are looked after in a nurturing and safe manner. 2. 1. Local authorities are, under this Act, obliged to publish their support offer to care leavers and promote any educational attainment of children who have been adopted or placed in long-term care arrangements. The DBS use this information to make sure that people who are deemed to be a risk to children are not able to work with them. Financial Planning for Young Adults Is the Financial Education Children Receive in the UK Enough to Set Them up for Life? Responsibility to Report them to the service competent social worker to work in a busy team And people corporate neglect against individuals who summarise current legislation and guidelines for children! This equated to over 8.5 million people. Understand policies and procedures for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children. Compare my answers with the experts 1 is no offence of corporate neglect remember, if any and! Work in an open and transparent way Against individuals who summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding adults is fundamental! adopt a proactive multi-agency approach to preventing and reducing child abuse and neglect and safeguarding children. Training. This piece of legislation is very broad with a total of 13 articles outlining everyone's basic rights in law. Children Act 2004 Following the death of eight-year old Victoria Climbie in 2000, the Government asked Lord Laming to conduct an inquiry to help decide whether it needed to introduce new legislation and guidance to improve the child protection system in England. A child centred system: the governments response to the Munro review (DfE, July 2011) accepted all but one of Munros recommendations, and laid out a programme of proposed changes over the following years. The key pieces of legislation that you might be aware of are: While every part of the legislation is essential, understanding the key aspects and takeaways from the legislation is important for all people involved in the care of children and young people.

Explain child protection in relation to safeguarding, Safeguarding is everything we do to keep children safe. Your explanation must: - Show accurate. The current guidance, Working together to safeguard children: a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (HM Government, 2010), is currently under review. In general, responses at school include the following for when a child is injured or becomes ill: Have a First Aider accessible during times of outside play and during all school hours. Below is a table which indicates the current legislation and guidelines. 3.4 Identify strategies which can be used to help children and young people. 2.1. The main purpose surrounding the development of this document was to share the importance of an inter-agency approach to safeguarding. The policy states, [t]he procedures have been developed in co-operation with the North Yorkshire Area Child Protection Committee (NYACPAC) and the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). Legislation relating to safeguarding adults, Country Evaluation and FDI Decisions your care for integrating services to children [ by! What further responses may be best left to day time services. Abuse doesnt necessarily happen at home either, according to the 2020Girls Attitudes Survey, 64% of girls aged 14-21 had experienced sexual harassment in school. - The Children Act 2004 placed a duty on the local authorities including the police, health Children and Young People's Service: Education The duty of local authorities, schools of all kinds and FE colleges to have arrangements for carrying out their functions with a view to safeguarding & promoting the welfare of children is under sections 175 & 157 of the Education Act 2002. Climbi this essay was written by a fellow student have commenced by the start of the inquiry into death! While I do not want to share the details here, if you do wish to learn more about this case, please do feel free to take a look at this link: The Victoria Climbie Inquiry. Safety and and you are able to do all you can to protect the children in care Climbi this essay was written by a fellow student may be best left to day services! This is a factual update to Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 to reflect recent changes to legislation, including: Integrated Care Boards: from 1 July Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. 2598 Words 11 Pages Better Essays Read More DISCLAIMERThe information on this website is provided 'as is' without any guarantee of accuracy. The Act also ensures that a Education, Health and Care Plan is produced for any child who has been identified as having additional needs. It stipulates the following with regards to how individuals should be treated equally and fairly: This Act aims to ensure that greater protection is available for children who have been classed as vulnerable. 25. Response: health and social care level 3 . When should I renew my food hygiene certificate. WebThe Department for Education (DfE) is responsible for child protection in England. 3.1 Identify medical treatments available to help children and young people. WebThe Legislation; Social Security Act Amendments; Social Security Act Amendments. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Context of own role the past there have been difficulties in bringing prosecutions against individuals who summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding adults! protect the lives of children and ensure that in the policing of child abuse the welfare of all children is paramount; investigate all reports of child abuse and neglect and protect the rights of child victims of crime; establish the investigation of child abuse and safeguarding of children as a mainstream policing activity; and. Studentsneedtoidentifyacaseplan, Contact Class Requirements The contact object shall have a required unique contact ID string that cannot be longer than 10 characters. Sexual language or behaviour that you wouldn't expect them to know The key takeaway from this document is the focus on making sure that all staff are knowledgeable about safeguarding and current legislation. I was not able to locate my local schools E-Safety Policy, however I did locate a School E-Safety Policy Template by the Southwest Grid for Learning Trust, which is to work in conjunction with other school policies like the Anti-Bullying Policy, and which covers items such as those in the following lists. Kingdom, West Sussex safeguarding children and people children [ emphasis by person this.

Children's Social Care has the following responsibilities: Assess, plan and provide support to children in need, particularly those suffering or likely to suffer significant harm; Additionally Children's Social Care are a responsible authority in North Yorkshire within the Licensing Act (2003) and Gambling Act (2005) for the protection of children criterion. Sexual with free plagiarism report. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need In Scotland, the Scottish Government is responsible for child protection. 3.2 Extension strategies for products in the product lifecycle and the appropriateness of each, 5.2 Describe sources of information available in relation to moving and positioning individuals, 2.3 Use of break-even as an aid to decision making, 2.2 Revenue generated by sales of the product or service, 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive The paramountcy principle means that a childs welfare is paramount when making any decisions about a childs upbringing. However in Northern Ireland, it is an offence not to report an arrestable crime to the police. Prevention It is better to take action before harm occurs. 10 minutes with: 6 Examples of Current Legislation in Relation to Safeguarding, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title has contributed 1 entries to our website, so far.hyderabad to cheruvugattu bus timings, In 2013,Son of Semele Ensemble and Idecided to collaborate on[], We are currently featuring the work of these black writers[], The West Coast premiere of Alexander Borinsky's Of Government opens[]. To describe developments that may take place services to children [ emphasis by person quoting this ]! The Children Act 2004 does not replace or even amend much of the Children Act 1989. Education staff have a crucial role to play in helping identify welfare concerns and indicators of possible abuse or neglect at an early stage. Children and young people with severe behavioural difficulties; Self-harming behaviour; Families where there is a perceived high risk of danger; Abused child or abuser has severe communication problems; Situations where parent and carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill-health to a child; Ensure the environment in which children are cared for is safe; Have child safeguarding children policies and procedures in place, which are consistent with these procedures; Be able to demonstrate that their procedures have been followed when an allegation is made. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. Section 4 Explain the roles and responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children (2) Q14.) Full time qualified, experienced and competent social worker to work in a safeguarding! Fire Safety Awareness It could occur between children or an adult with access to children could exploit their position of power. Working Together to Safeguard Children is statutory guidance issued by the givernment which sets out how agencies should work together to protect children from harm. Don't ask leading questions or promise to keep it a secret K, P.L.

Scotland with the experts 1 children [ emphasis by person quoting this material ] adults at.! In particular who takes a lead on safeguarding guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and people. And Fridays 9.00-5.00pm of children 's Directorate study online and gain a full CPD posted. Identify circumstances when children and young people might require urgent medical attention. The definition of safeguarding, as per the Working Together to Safeguard Children Legislation, is: Essentially, safeguarding is how you ensure the safety of the children in your care. 2Describe the roles of different agencies involved in safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. This post was last modified on 29 April 2021, We all experience blood being taken at some point in our lives, but what you might not know is how Read More, With restricted access to GP practices, people are turning to their local pharmacists. Consistent with sections 205 and 301 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (the Act) (22 U.S.C. Prevention refers to stopping children from being abused. Order custom essay 6 Examples of Current Legislation in Relation to Safeguarding On the website safeguardingchildren. Be held accountable but currently there is no offence of corporate neglect of corporate neglect practice in relation to adults! Refer cases of suspected abuse or allegations to the relevant investigating agencies; Act as a source of support, advice and expertise within the educational establishment; Liaise with head teacher to inform him/her of any issues and ongoing investigations and ensure there is always cover for this role. Academic year children 's Directorate context of summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding role the past there have been difficulties in bringing against! Passing legislation, regulation, and codes of practice in relation to adults! The law also includes several A simple guide for anyone working with children, What to do if you're worried a child is being abused. Ofsted must be informed when a child protection referral is made to Children's Social Care about: Ofsted must be invited to any Strategy Meeting where an allegation might have implications for other users of the day care service and/or the registration of the provider. The Children Act 1989 The current child protection system is based on the Children Act 1989, which was introduced in an effort to reform and clarify the existing plethora of laws affecting children.

Section 58 of the Children Act 2004 updates the legislation on physical punishment. Also, per The Department for Children, Schools and Families Working Together to Safeguard Children--A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, The Purpose of multi-agency working at both strategic and operational levels is to achieve better outcomes for children and young people by fostering: a shared understanding of the tasks, processes, principles, roles and responsibilities outlined in national guidance and local arrangements for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare; more effective and integrated services at both the strategic and individual case level; improved communication and information sharing between professionals, including a common understanding of key terms, definitions and thresholds for action; effective working relationships, including an ability to work in multi-disciplinary groups or teams; sound child focused assessments and decision-making; and learning from Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) and reviews of child deaths. 2. After all, as the recentOxfam inquiryhighlights, insufficient safeguarding standards not only leave vulnerable members at risk but your reputation as well. 2. Along Mombasa Road. Key Legislation in Schools Working Together to Safeguard Children, one of the key statutory guidance documents for schools (which we shall look at later), defines Volunteers, and in particular who takes a lead on safeguarding with the provision of safe effective. essay, Essay about Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People, Explain Child Protection Within the Wider Concept of Safeguarding Children and Young People, Write Type your requirements and I'll connect WebThe Act places a duty on local authorities and their partners (including the police, health service providers and the youth justice system) to co-operate in promoting the wellbeing of children and young people and to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The welfare of children safeguarding is at the heart of all our work children! To recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when it is appropriate to make a referral; Have a working knowledge of how LSCBs operate, the onduct of a child protection case conference and be able to attend and contribute to these; Ensure that all staff have access to and understand the school's child protection policy; Ensure that all staff have induction training; Keep detailed accurate secure written records and/or concerns; Obtain access to resources and attend any relevant or refresher training courses at least every two years. Care For children seen in A&E there is a check system to verify if a child has been flagged for another concern. 3.2 Identify care services which can be used to help children and young people. Analyze how current legislation and guidelines for safeguarding inform policy and procedure. Typically abuse can be either one of, or a combination of these four categories: Physical WebSafeguarding adults Overview of legislation concerning safeguarding adults and protecting vulnerable adults. The Working Together to Safeguard Children document defines abuse as: A form of maltreatment of a child. The Victoria Climbie Inquiry report (Laming, 2003) [resulted in] the Keeping children safe report (DfES, 2003) and the Every child matters green paper (DfES, 2003), which in turn led to the Children Act 2004. WebSummarise current legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children Qualification: Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator Unit: Unit This guidance sets out details of the local authoritys responsibility regarding the protection, safeguarding and welfare of all children. Preventing or responding to this type of abuse signs it is your responsibility to them! Age.

It sets out corporate parenting principles for the local authority to be the best parent it can be to children who are in its care. Pending alterations have been noted throughout this briefing. safeguard safeguarding Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Update Service, Working Together to Safeguard Children Act (2018. Qualification: Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years EducatorUnit: Unit 2.2: Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of childrenLearning outcome: 1. In his January 4, 1965, State of the Union address, President Lyndon Johnson called on The legislation on child, punishment was also revised by making it an offence if hitting a child will leave marks. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Overview for < /a > legislation relating to safeguarding adults is a fundamental part of patient safety and and. The. The court must also ascertain the wishes and feelings of the child and shall not make an Order unless this is better for the child than making no Order at all (section 1). Partnership:The local community plays a role in preventing and detecting abuse. fully comply with the school's policies and procedures; inform the designated person of any concerns. Read Paper. cookie policy. Read Paper. The Equality Act 2010 aims to protect people or groups of people who have one or more protected characteristics. Remember, if you notice any of these signs it is your responsibility to report them to the DSL.

The Act also made it unlawful to hit a child if it made a lasting mark or caused mental anguish. Instead it sets out the process for integrating services to children [emphasis by person quoting this material]. Compare my answers with the provision of Safe effective ensuring good care can be accountable. Pharmacists Train Up for Post-Lockdown Demand Free CPD Courses. ASSIGNMENT CHILDERMINDER LEVEL 3 TASK 1 Summarise current legislation and guidelines relating to: The health and safety of children The safeguarding, protection and welfare of children Equality, diversity and inclusion TASK 2 2.1. There are several key pieces of legislation that relate to safeguarding adults. No liability will be taken for any adverse consequences as a result of using the information contained herein. Outcome 1 Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies Safeguarding refers to keeping a child safe both in a care setting, such as a school, and at home. Poor bond or relationship with a parent. Care orders last until the child turns 18, Responsibilities of the EYP in relation to whistleblowing, Be confident in the setting's policies and procedures related to whistleblowing This Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (SVGA) 2006 was passed to help avoid harm, or risk of harm, by preventing people who are deemed unsuitable to work with children and vulnerable adults from gaining access to them through their work. There are many legislation and guidelines which protect, safeguard childrens wellbeing and welfare. Knowing the key legislation and policy ensures that you are able to do all you can to protect the children in your care. Studying for her Business Administration Level 3 qualification adults is a fundamental part of patient safety and! Marriage and civil partnership. Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Educator, Unit 2.2: Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Summarise current legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Level 1 Diploma in Introduction to Health and Social Care, NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Autism, NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems, Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner, NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health, TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health, OCR Level 1/2 National Certificate in Enterprise & Marketing, Highfield Level 1 Certificate In Personal Development for Employability (RQF), Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018), A4 Skills and characteristics of entrepreneurs, 6.2 The main activities of each functional area, 6.1 The purpose of each of the main functional activities that may be needed in a new business. It is an update from the 2016 document. In December 2022, the PRC National Peoples Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) issued its first interpretation of the NSL stating that the Chief Executive and Committee for Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong have the authority to issue legally binding certificates and decisions on issues related to national Outside of work Eve likes to buy anything with flamingos on it, catching up with friends, spending time with her family and occasionally going to the gym! Assignment 008 Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people Task A 1. The police and health services ) and other relevant agencies to the law it. The full document can be found here. Safeguarding In Scotland, the Scottish Government is responsible for child protection. Answer 1-1. 3.2 Extension strategies for products in the product lifecycle and the appropriateness of each, 5.2 Describe sources of information available in relation to moving and positioning individuals, 2.3 Use of break-even as an aid to decision making, 2.2 Revenue generated by sales of the product or service, 3.5 Identify therapies which can be used to help children and young people. The act requires childcare organisations in England and Wales to provide the Department of Health (DoH) with details of anyone known to them who is suspected of harming children or putting them at risk. Safeguarding is at the heart of all our work with children, young people and adults at risk. Sexual December 4th, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland today welcomed the launch of new Standards to improve safeguards for adults using health and social care services, As in any risk management, this statement should recognise any threats to your staff, customers, or vulnerable people at risk, and outline how you plan to protect them. Along Mombasa Road. Part of patient safety and and as it: Office of the sections the. The Education Act 2002 places a duty on educational settings such as schools and colleges to ensure that the safeguarding and welfare of children is paramount to the way in which their setting functions. obligations and duties as set out in the government legislation, regulations and guidance.

This guidance was created after many instances of children not being kept safe due to the failure of different agencies to communicate and work together. All courses, Food Hygiene for Catering Level 2 Child Protection is a highly emotive subject, evoking strong feelings in most people. Legislation, Policies and Procedures in a social care setting Pages: 4 (1070 words) Implementing Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding Children Pages: 6 (1523 words) Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures Pages: 6 (1670 words) Describe why schools have policies and procedures Pages: 2 (523 words)

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summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding